What Happened Before This Site Started – Part 2

When you find out you are pregnant, planned for or not, your life changes in a variety of ways. We talked already about the drinking and hanging with friends, but there are also plans that must be amended and people that have to find out.

Mom has had a trip to the Caribbean planned for a few months, and while she is still going, she had to tell her friend Laura (not the same as the Seattle one) about you. We have had to back out of a couple boating and camping trips with friends, as well as a few nights out. It makes people a bit suspicious as well as put off, but once we can share the news all will be cured.

One of the fun parts was telling Mia about you, as she was actually the first person we told just a couple weeks after finding out. Mom wanted some advice and another woman to talk to about the pregnancy so we went over to Sun Valley and told her the news. But telling people is actually really fun for us, so we wanted to do something kind of cool.

We got into SV that evening and stopped by Atkinsons (I am assuming you will know SV well by this point but just in case) to pick up a ribbon and a card. We got to Mia’s house and wrote on the card. We then tied the ribbon around Layla’s neck and attached the card, knowing full well she may just devour the card and we were taking a risk. The card spoke to the fact that Layla was about to be a big sister.

We let Layla out of the car and she made a beeline for Mia. I mean a beeline, there was no control and absolutely no after thought about the yellow ribbon around her neck. At full speed she jumped on Mia and about knocked her over. She then sped off through the house and we had to track her down. In our minds, naively of course, we pictured Layla strolling up to Mia and sitting nicely before her while we told her that there was a note around her neck. She would read it, Layla would lie down while we all hugged, and it would be out of a movie type thing. Instead Layla was a freaking maniac and turned it into a circus.

Finally, I was able to grab Layla and pin her and pick her up to bring over to your mom. The ribbon was trashed by this point and was all tangled in her collar and neck hair. We finally managed to get the ribbon free, and got your mom the card. She handed it to Mia and her face lit up. Our plan was flawed from the get-go, but the point was made.

Outside of the previous post and this one, there have not been many big items to talk about. No complication thankfully and haven’t told many people.

Today actually marks 9 weeks, so just 31 to go!

Love, Dad


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