
Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.

You are going to be here anytime now! Due date, Feb. 20, is tomorrow if you can believe it which I cannot. That being said, we are as ready as we possibly could be!

2014-01-28 19.17.00

Mom just left the doctor and she is still not dilated so looks like it will be another few days. She is handling it like a champ though.

Gotta run but wanted to check in. Love you and can’t wait to meet you!



Your Mattress is Here!

Among the things that occurred today, your mattress did in fact arrive! There was a bit of scrutiny over which one to get you, as your mother (of course) wanted the most expensive and organic and everything below the sun in the mattress. I was a bit more reasonable, and we got you one in the 90th percentile, so to speak, as opposed to the ultimate, and most expensive, version. Here it is in case you don’t remember.  Sealy Baby Firm Rest Crib Mattress  BabyAs a matter of fact if you do remember, I will be a little freaked out.

Anyway, wanted to extend the description of your nursery at the current time. Right now you have a crib, dresser, bookcase, picnic table (yes a picnic table), outfits that will fit you until you are nearly 2 years old, a glider chair and a bunch of creepy dolls that are from your mother’s childhood. In addition we have a bunch of presents from the baby shower that your mom’s friends threw for her.

The shower, which occurred just after Christmas, brought in some great gifts and just as many crappy ones.

Over the coming days we will get a variety of other items that we ordered off of Amazon and I will do my best to update as they come in.

Just for reference, your mother is 35 weeks tomorrow. As things stand that means that you could come at any minute. Any time from 34-37 weeks people have been known to deliver, although Dr. West says that she is right on schedule.

We also did a hospital tour last night so that I know where to take your mom when she goes into labor, so we are covered on that front. This is becoming a bit of a rant, so I am going to sign off.

We cannot wait to meet you!




Been Way Too Long

Right now it is  12:33am on the 15th of January…and wow has time flown by. Let’s tackle this efficiently, and first let me list the developments and afterwards go into the details of each:

2014-01-14 19.21.53

  1. You are a GIRL!!!
  2. You are obscenely healthy (thanks to your mom who has been unbelievable during her pregnancy)
  3. You are still expected February 20th (NEXT MONTH!!!)
  4. The nursery has seen some major progress.
  5. Your mom is 34 weeks along!

Let’s first start with the reason why I have not posted in so long. Work has been unreal. I recently got a promotion, which is awesome, but has lead to doing more than normal. The good part: I love my job.

Now let’s address the major items, like the fact that you are a girl!!! We could not be more excited. Let me throw this out now, no dating until 25. In addition, you will likely be spoiled simply because I spoil your mother and will likely accelerate that with you. Finally, I am hoping you will be a Daddy’s girl simply because, well, I love you more already than I can explain and can’t imagine not being close.

As far as your health, our doctor, Dr. West, is consistently shocked with how well you are progressing. There have been no issues with you in the least, and your mom is healthier than anyone I know. She is constantly thinking of you and what is best for you. I am doing the same but my decision son’t necessarily affect your entrance into the world. We hear your heartbeat every time we go to the doctor and each time it is strong and on par with the expected BPM. Your mom has has to get a variety of shots, provided a number of blood samples, had to drink some glucose crap and endure a variety of other uncomfortable things (outside of gaining 25 pounds which she carries all day every day of course) and has not complained in the least. She is a rockstar, and should be commended.

You are right on schedule. The doctor does this measurement thing where he basically measures from the bottom of the uterus to her belly button (I may have totally butchered that) and is has you right on schedule. He also projects that you will be around 7 pounds.

2014-01-15 00.51.22Dude, the nursery is looking sick! We spent a grand over the weekend buying adornments for the space but it is truly coming together. I also spent all last weekend painting the shelves, and the prior weekend painting the bookcase. Your mom spent about 2 days just cleaning the dresser (a bit over the top IMO, but you will learn about this). The majority of the items that are remaining will be arriving in the coming days, which is extremely exciting. As you can see it is still looking a bit plain, but I will add  new pic very soon.

34 weeks!!!

At this point in the pregnancy you could come at any time and be perfectly healthy. The doctor projects that most first time mothers are around 5 days late, but really could happen anytime.

I promise to continue updating as frequently as possible, but the bottom line is that you will be here soon and we could not be more excited!

I love you very much and cannot wait to meet you




It’s been busy!

Things got BUSY!

Work is kicking my ass, but at the same time we are doing a lot on the house in order to get ready for your arrival. Here is a quick synopsis on major happenings occurred and in the near future:

  • We find out your gender a week from today!
  • We are having a reveal party in Sun Valley for all of mom’s friends next Friday
  • We have a wedding next Saturday, my cousin Elizabeth is getting married
  • We finally got blinds in the house, it changed the whole place
  • I painted your room this past weekend, just primer, to get ready for when we find out
  • We are buying some furniture to help fill the house
  • We had another meeting with the doc earlier this month, you are healthy as can be
    • Also had testing done for any mental or physical defects, and you are good to go
  • UA Football is 3-0, Dallas Cowboys are 2-1, Atlanta Braves won the NL East and are getting ready for the playoffs!

OK, so now that you are caught up, let’s move forward. The big piece of that is that we get to find out what you are next week! We have been taking guesses, and the high majority think you are a boy, including me. We picked out paints for either, one is blue the other pink, and have not really discussed names.

Mom is starting to show, and sears she has felt you kick a few times! Here is a pic of how she looks now, very cute if you ask me:

2013-09-18 19.02.03

I promise to update more in the future. Cannot wait to meet you!

Love, Dad



My Friends Are Trying to Steal the Vote!

It’s been a couple weeks since I have had the chance to update things, but to be honest not much is going on. We did have another appointment yesterday, which went extremely well.

The doctor took the heartbeat, no ultrasound this time, and your beat was at 160 BPM. This caused Dr. West to pull out the old wive’s tale that the fast heartbeat says that you will be a girl. We have exercised pretty much every old wive’s tale, and every other one says you are a boy. It is a crapshoot!

One thing exciting that has happened is that you started receiving (or we started receiving) gifts! My buddies Mike and Aaron each sent something, and, well, they are hoping that they may sway your college decision before you are even born. Here are the pics:

2013-08-24 09.34.12 2013-09-04 21.14.28-2The top image is from Mike, and pretty damn cool. The bottom image is from Aaron, and is awesome as well.

This will be a fun game between your mom and I, and currently I am in the lead! Just for the record, I don’t care where you go to college as long as you are happy. You can go to UofA or USC or any other college in the world and we will be proud of you (as long as it’s not ASU, and your mom would say the same about UCLA but that is a great school so it’s ok).  But you are going to have some awesome college gear, both UofA and USC, by the time you get here and probably afterward as well.

Switching gears, your mom and I are going to go look at some paint colors this weekend for your room. We still don’t know your gender so we are going to go choose colors for both a guy and girl in order to be prepared. Boppie is going to be here the day that we find out your gender, and that weekend him and I will be painting your room! After that happens, let the madness begin. Decoration in all ways will commence.

Cannot wait to know what you are, but even more so cannot wait to meet you. It’s getting closer every day!

Love, Dad

12 Weeks Come and Gone

You are now the size of a lime!

Well, the length of one, you only weigh half an ounce.

Some of the more incredible developments this week include that you now have reflexes. You are able to open and close your hands, curl your toes, clench your eye muscles and even make sucking motions with your mouth.

You are also at the point where your kidneys are developed enough that you can create urine, which is just weird. Here is an image of what you kinda look like:

Picture of your developing baby

Look like a little alien in there!

We have a doctor’s appointment next week where we will get our next look at you. We will also get to tell everyone soon after because the chance of a miscarriage will be so low.

Next Thursday when we meet with the doctor you will be 13 weeks, and I will have another update on how big you are at that point. Can’t wait to get another picture of you and see you squirming around in there. Can’t believe how much you already mean to me.

Love, Dad

Back From Fishing, On To Rocking Chairs

Fishing Trip

I survived the camping trip. Not only that, but it was a great trip all around. We stayed at Garden Creek Campground on the East Fork of the Big Lost River, and it was pretty amazing. Basically just followed Trail Creek road, up over the pass and about 4 miles past the turnoff for Copper Basin (Wildhorse Road). Ended up being 29.9 miles from the stoplight in on Main and Sun Valley Road in Ketchum.

The campsite was killer, right on the river and no one else around. Here is a pic:

2013-08-02 20.38.49

After getting there and setting up camp we set out to fish. We caught about a dozen fish in an hour and a half which was a great start. That night we cooked up some chicken burgers for dinner and gutted some fish for breakfast the following morning.

After having breakfast, bacon and cutthroat, we headed out to fish the main waters of the Big Lost river. We started just below the dam of Mackay Reservoir and did really well. Caught another dozen or so fish, almost all on dry flies (orange stimulators) and then headed to the upper waters above the reservoir. Did not fair as well there, as Uncle Matt pulled just one fish out and other than that we were stifled.

We decided to head back to fish around camp, and the next couple hours were pretty dead. After that the fishing picked up, and while your uncle went for a hike I pulled 4 rainbow trout out of the river just south of the campsite. Overall is was a success. Here is the biggest fish from the trip:

2013-08-02 19.51.24

Rocking Chairs

Mom has this weird obsession with the south. She loves plantation style homes, the big trees, the culture and the large lot sizes. She wants us to move there and has for some time. When we were looking to leave San Diego, she was sending me jobs daily in places like Charlotte, Atlanta, New Orleans, etc… and asking me to apply. I of course obliged, but the jobs were never really specific to what I do. The funny thing about it is that mom has never really been in the south for an extended period of time. She has never been to Atlanta, Charlotte, Charleston or a number of other places that she wants to pick up and move to. I cannot explain how she came to have this fascination and love for the area (although I am pretty sure that Young House Love had a lot to do with it), but regardless she feels a connection.

With that in mind she came up with the idea of how to tell our extended family and friends about you when the time comes (which is only about 10 days away now). We ordered some rocking chairs that were delivered last week and we will be taking a picture on our front porch with Layla, your mom and I. We will be holding up signs that say the due date and that we are pregnant. The signs will be blank and I will photoshop in the text later on. We will then be sending out an email with the news, as well as posting it on Facebook and Instagram (really curious to see if these social medias still exist when you are old enough to be online). We will of course contact directly our immediate family that doesn’t know and tell them before posting it anywhere, but this way we can hit everyone we know and care about.

One thing that you will learn about your dad is that he is good at a lot of things, but handyman tasks are somewhat of a weakness. It is weird, because MY dad is great with these kinds of things. He actually built the first house I ever lived in from the ground up. Unfortunately I was too busy with other things growing up to learn from him (although he will tell you I never took the time to learn despite his best efforts). Anyway, I will be assembling the rocking chairs this week all by myself as your mom is still gone for another 5 days, so if the picture is missing the chairs it is probably because the assembly did not go according to plan. 🙂


We have another doctor’s appointment a week and two days from now and get to see you again in the ultrasound and I am counting down the days. Cannot wait to tell EVERYONE about you next week either. Enjoy your time in that womb of yours, because once you get out of there you are going to be smothered by people who want to be around you and love on you.

Love, Dad


What Happened Before This Site Started – Part 2

When you find out you are pregnant, planned for or not, your life changes in a variety of ways. We talked already about the drinking and hanging with friends, but there are also plans that must be amended and people that have to find out.

Mom has had a trip to the Caribbean planned for a few months, and while she is still going, she had to tell her friend Laura (not the same as the Seattle one) about you. We have had to back out of a couple boating and camping trips with friends, as well as a few nights out. It makes people a bit suspicious as well as put off, but once we can share the news all will be cured.

One of the fun parts was telling Mia about you, as she was actually the first person we told just a couple weeks after finding out. Mom wanted some advice and another woman to talk to about the pregnancy so we went over to Sun Valley and told her the news. But telling people is actually really fun for us, so we wanted to do something kind of cool.

We got into SV that evening and stopped by Atkinsons (I am assuming you will know SV well by this point but just in case) to pick up a ribbon and a card. We got to Mia’s house and wrote on the card. We then tied the ribbon around Layla’s neck and attached the card, knowing full well she may just devour the card and we were taking a risk. The card spoke to the fact that Layla was about to be a big sister.

We let Layla out of the car and she made a beeline for Mia. I mean a beeline, there was no control and absolutely no after thought about the yellow ribbon around her neck. At full speed she jumped on Mia and about knocked her over. She then sped off through the house and we had to track her down. In our minds, naively of course, we pictured Layla strolling up to Mia and sitting nicely before her while we told her that there was a note around her neck. She would read it, Layla would lie down while we all hugged, and it would be out of a movie type thing. Instead Layla was a freaking maniac and turned it into a circus.

Finally, I was able to grab Layla and pin her and pick her up to bring over to your mom. The ribbon was trashed by this point and was all tangled in her collar and neck hair. We finally managed to get the ribbon free, and got your mom the card. She handed it to Mia and her face lit up. Our plan was flawed from the get-go, but the point was made.

Outside of the previous post and this one, there have not been many big items to talk about. No complication thankfully and haven’t told many people.

Today actually marks 9 weeks, so just 31 to go!

Love, Dad


What Happened Before This Site Started

I didn’t start this site until after the first ultrasound, but before we had that we knew about you and there were already some cool things that had happened.

The big question, that I am pretty sure any kid asks at one point or another, is were you on purpose? Without the details, which I am sure you could care less about, let’s get out of the way that you were planned for. What we didn’t expect is that you would be so easy to conceive. Mom had gone to the doctor about 6 months before we started “trying” for you and began taking prenatal vitamins as well as got initial tests to ensure she was healthy. They also gave us tips on how to find the times when our chances were highest. We began tracking what we needed to in order to establish these times months before we really began to intentionally try to create you. A couple weeks after we got into the new house there was a peak time, and this is when you were created. Normally it takes up to a year for a couple to conceive, so we feel extremely blessed (and remember this for when you are at the age where sex becomes something you are interested in, you are extremely fertile whether you are a boy or girl).

(As a side note  one thing that you will learn about me is that I am a planner. I plan everything I possibly can down to the smallest details. I have had a plan since I was in middle school as to how my life was going to play out and have always tried my best to ensure that it did just that. It has not always gone perfectly, but for the most part is had gone according to what I mapped out. Before you we had a few priorities. First being to get married (which we did 4 years ago two days from now), next to find a place to live (which is the aspect that has seen some mixed results regarding the planning as we have lived in 3 places in those 4 years), next to get a dog (sounds stupid but was a great idea getting Layla) and finally to buy a house which we did earlier this year (this being the most important aspect, especially to your mom, as we wanted somewhere to bring you home to that belonged to us). Plans are my thing, to a detriment in some circumstances, but I am sure when you read this you will be well aware of this already.)

2013-05-04 12.45.11

So obviously it takes a little while in order to find out if we were pregnant or not. We were waiting in anticipation, but also not really sure if it took or not. From everything that we had been told and had read the chances seemed slim. We had also been together for 10 years and had only had a handful of “close calls” so neither of us figured that it would be a quick turnaround. The end of May was the time we calculated as most fertile, but the odds were not on our favor. Throwing all that to the side, we decided to take a test to find out.

We took the test on June 16, 2013 and found out that mom was pregnant…it just so happened that was also Father’s Day.

I can’t speak for your mom, although I am sure she shares my sentiment, but it was the most excited and overwhelming feeling I have ever experienced. There was no anxiety, stress or doubt but simply incredible pride and love. It was like nothing I have ever experienced, and I am sure will be trumped only by when you come into this world. When I think back on that moment, finding out that way with your mom handing me the test with the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face, and the feelings that were going through me I know that I will never forget that. It is a memory I will have forever.

There are other things that happened before this site started that I will continue on with, but I wanted to end this post here as nothing else we talk about that happened prior can compare to this. We are currently about 9 weeks in with 31 weeks to go, and we are trying to enjoy this as much as possible but both go to bed every night and wake up every day talking about what you might be like. It is fun to speculate, but we can barely handle the anticipation. We are extremely lucky to be in the position we are, have the love and admiration for one another that we do and a healthy baby on the way. Cannot wait to have you here and share our lives.

Love, Dad

What Will Your Name Be?

Figured this was worthy of discussion. My parents had a list of possible names, most of which I absolutely hated, that they shared with me when I was older. My name when I was little was incredibly rare, although it has become very common over time. My parents had a bunch of names: Elijah (yep that’s real), Scooter, Joshua among others and to this day I find it comical.

What is even funnier is that I hated my name growing up because it was so unique. never had any friends with the same name and it made me feel like an outcast. That was until I got into high school and realized how cool it was that no one had my name and it became a unique identifier. Today, I love my name and it has served me well.

So since we don’t yet know if you are a boy or girl, we have names for both. Just a heads up that in the future your brother or sister may get one of the names we don’t use on you, so don’t be surprised. right now some of the names we are considering are the following: Ethan (boy), Riley (girl), Airey (girl), Caleb (boy, self-indulgent I know but has to be considered), Charles (boy, this won’t make the cut), Quinn (girl, maybe a middle name). This is all we got right now but the list is growing.

To give you a sense of the time, here are the most popular names as of today:

2013   Top 100 Most Popular U.S. Baby Names Of 2013















As you can see, Ethan is on the list which it was not when we first came up with it, but we will have to see how we feel about it if you are a boy. As the name debates progress, just know that we put in our due diligence.

Regardless of your name, I love you and can’t wait to meet you

Love, Dad