What Happened Before This Site Started

I didn’t start this site until after the first ultrasound, but before we had that we knew about you and there were already some cool things that had happened.

The big question, that I am pretty sure any kid asks at one point or another, is were you on purpose? Without the details, which I am sure you could care less about, let’s get out of the way that you were planned for. What we didn’t expect is that you would be so easy to conceive. Mom had gone to the doctor about 6 months before we started “trying” for you and began taking prenatal vitamins as well as got initial tests to ensure she was healthy. They also gave us tips on how to find the times when our chances were highest. We began tracking what we needed to in order to establish these times months before we really began to intentionally try to create you. A couple weeks after we got into the new house there was a peak time, and this is when you were created. Normally it takes up to a year for a couple to conceive, so we feel extremely blessed (and remember this for when you are at the age where sex becomes something you are interested in, you are extremely fertile whether you are a boy or girl).

(As a side note  one thing that you will learn about me is that I am a planner. I plan everything I possibly can down to the smallest details. I have had a plan since I was in middle school as to how my life was going to play out and have always tried my best to ensure that it did just that. It has not always gone perfectly, but for the most part is had gone according to what I mapped out. Before you we had a few priorities. First being to get married (which we did 4 years ago two days from now), next to find a place to live (which is the aspect that has seen some mixed results regarding the planning as we have lived in 3 places in those 4 years), next to get a dog (sounds stupid but was a great idea getting Layla) and finally to buy a house which we did earlier this year (this being the most important aspect, especially to your mom, as we wanted somewhere to bring you home to that belonged to us). Plans are my thing, to a detriment in some circumstances, but I am sure when you read this you will be well aware of this already.)

2013-05-04 12.45.11

So obviously it takes a little while in order to find out if we were pregnant or not. We were waiting in anticipation, but also not really sure if it took or not. From everything that we had been told and had read the chances seemed slim. We had also been together for 10 years and had only had a handful of “close calls” so neither of us figured that it would be a quick turnaround. The end of May was the time we calculated as most fertile, but the odds were not on our favor. Throwing all that to the side, we decided to take a test to find out.

We took the test on June 16, 2013 and found out that mom was pregnant…it just so happened that was also Father’s Day.

I can’t speak for your mom, although I am sure she shares my sentiment, but it was the most excited and overwhelming feeling I have ever experienced. There was no anxiety, stress or doubt but simply incredible pride and love. It was like nothing I have ever experienced, and I am sure will be trumped only by when you come into this world. When I think back on that moment, finding out that way with your mom handing me the test with the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face, and the feelings that were going through me I know that I will never forget that. It is a memory I will have forever.

There are other things that happened before this site started that I will continue on with, but I wanted to end this post here as nothing else we talk about that happened prior can compare to this. We are currently about 9 weeks in with 31 weeks to go, and we are trying to enjoy this as much as possible but both go to bed every night and wake up every day talking about what you might be like. It is fun to speculate, but we can barely handle the anticipation. We are extremely lucky to be in the position we are, have the love and admiration for one another that we do and a healthy baby on the way. Cannot wait to have you here and share our lives.

Love, Dad

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