“Threen” is a real thing

The title of this post is accurate, but not as dramatic as it sounds. While we had hoped we would skip the terrible twos, we haven’t quite made it out unscathed as we recently learned about the “threens”, and you are beginning to show signs of its effects. Now, like I said, it’s not as bad as it sounds, but it has been a bit more bumpy recently than in the past. You have begun to say “no” more often, throwing some tantrums here and there, demanding certain things (mostly foods) and putting up a bit more of a fight when sleeping. This is all I will touch on it though because compared to other children you are extremely tame, and still embody your sweet/caring nature and excitement for life.

Hard to believe but you still experienced a few firsts in the last six months. The first, your brother was born!


November 15th at 7:28am Ethan Charles Donegan was born. He popped out at 7 lbs 1 oz, and just like you, was in the 98th percentile for head size. 🙂

Ethan’s actual delivery was far less eventful than yours (as in he came out breathing fine). Mom was in labor for about 9 hours. Mia had actually come over on the 14th to watch you and your mom went into labor that evening and we headed to the hospital around 7 or so. When we arrived she was 4 centimeters dilated (exact same as you) and could not be admitted until she was over 5. Again, we went for a walk.

I documented our walk when you were on the way here, so I won’t reminisce too much, but it was pretty incredible that again we found ourselves walking the sidewalks of Boise in the dark getting ready to have our second child. We walked the same route, and talked about you and the excitement we were about to go through. You were home sleeping at the time, no idea that we were even gone, and would wake up the next morning as an older sister. Pretty incredible how life works.

After our walk we were admitted to the labor unit, and 9-10 hours later Ethan was here. The name was a debate, but just like with you I actually won that one. We liked both names (Ethan, Wyatt) but I always knew if I had a boy it would be named Ethan. The Charles part was easy, as it is a name in both your mom’s family and mine. He was born without issue, your mom even pulled him out (yes, this was as horrifying as it sounds). Dr. West was able to be there this time around, and soon after we were moved to the maternity ward.

I won’t go into too much detail here as this is meant to document your life (although Ethan is obviously a big part of that), but once we got there I noticed that his breathing was pretty labored and fast. We brought in the nurse and then some specialists and he was admitted to the NICU. Both of you just HAD to have some drama, should have known. There was never a major scare and it was determined that he just had a quick breathing pattern and over time it would fix itself. He was there for almost two days, but after that was discharged and perfectly fine. Soon after we packed up and headed home.

You met him when we got there for the first time (didn’t want you to see him the way he looked in the NICU), and was immediately excited about him. Honestly, I didn’t know a child could love something or someone so quickly. All you wanted to do was hold him, kiss him, help mom take care of him and be this amazingly empathetic child. We read about introducing children to their new siblings and all the pitfalls, you didn’t exhibit a single one. To this day nearly four months later, you are just as loving to Ethan. You are not annoyed when he cries or wants to hold a toy of yours, or when he demands mine or your mom’s time. It is unbelievable to us, we are so very lucky.

So that is the story of Ethan, and now you are not the only child in the fam! That said, we will not be adding any more. I went and got a vasectomy last month once we knew Ethan was good to go. Two kids (to me) is perfect, and we lucked out with getting one of each. Now we are just looking and planning for the future, and all the fun we will have as a four (five with Layla) entity unit.

While Ethan was the big first, you had some others as well. One that could have gone horribly wrong, but instead went incredibly well, was your first movie. We took you to Finding Dory (which you are now obsessed with, hence the cake you see in the pictures below) and you absolutely loved it. I guess what is not to love, you crushed popcorn and M&M’s the whole time.


More exciting than that, you spent the night in your big girl bed for the first time. With Ethan here, we needed to begin the process of moving you out of your crib and into a real bed. I went out and found a white four post bed, and your mom proceeded to buy the princess canopy you see. I spent the night with you down there for the first week or so, and you learned to love it. You still come into bed with us a few nights a week after sleeping down there, but you are now sleeping down there every night.


In other news, Halloween has become a favorite of yours. This year you wanted to be a ballerina, so we found you a full costume. But not only did you want to be one, you wanted me to be one too (there is a picture of it below). The other dad’s we met and went trick or treating with laughed, but you were absolutely ecstatic which made it more than worth it. We went all up and down Harrison, did some ballet dancing, and had an awesome time.

We also had the worst winter that Boise has ever seen. Boise averages like 9 inches of snow a year and this year, so far, we have received over four feet. It has absolutely crushed the city (we haven’t had trash pickup in over a month), but has provided you with the opportunity to play in snow for months (which you love). You and I went sledding the other day and I scared the life out of you, probably won’t do that again anytime soon. You are many things, but adventurous is not really one of them.

What was nice was that we did Christmas in Boise for the first time this year. Normally we head over to Sun Valley, but this year with the newly born Ethan and the crazy snow, the travel didn’t seem worth it. I got you your first elf on the shelf which you named Annie, and tried to get you to understand the concept behind her. You also cleaned up as far as presents go. This year was the first that you really understood what presents were, and you were a fan. Meticulous as always, you had to open each present and then play with the toy before opening another. Mom made homemade cinnamon rolls and we opened presents for hours. You will learn about my obsession for Christmas, and this years in my own house with just our family was the best I have ever had.

You continue to speak more often and with more clarity, know all your ABC’s (actually you have since you were closer to 2), can count to almost 20 and are absolutely beautiful. No joke, we get stopped all the time just to be told how gorgeous your hair and eyes are. You are also learning how to work me. Mom says we are screwed because I have a serious problem saying no to you and I need to reign it in. But just look at those pictures, how could anyone say no? We are three years in, and things are getting more fun everyday.

I love you more than you will ever know.

Love, Dad

(the pictures imported weird so they are not in order, just a heads up)


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2.5 years – You are becoming a human!

I know that sounds weird, but really, before now it has been really fun watching progression but they were things like sitting up, walking, saying gibberish and so on. You are now starting to exemplify real human traits, and it is really exciting!

This was a big 6 months for you. You took your second trip to Hawaii (brat) when we went to Maui in April. You are beginning to say real words and structuring sentences, which is really helpful. You discovered television, which you absolutely love (Daniel Tiger and Thomas the Train are your current favorites). And bubbles, ohhhh sweet bubbles. You love them like nothing else.

This was also a big 6 months in all our lives. First, WE ARE HAVING ANOTHER BABY! You are going to be a big sister to….a little brother! One you can play with, torment, grow up with, torment, and take care of. We found out towards the end of March, and he is due November 10th. We are still working on a name, but we are down to Ethan and Wyatt (I am pulling for Ethan). He will be around 2 years and 8 months younger than you, and you are really excited about him. You don’t completely understand the concept, but we told you your baby brother is coming. You frequently point to mommies belly and say “I like your belly” or “Your baby brother”. I have put on some weight recently, so you are also a fan of my belly :). Your mom and I are extremely excited, and are in the process of preparing for his arrival. This means, among other things, moving you out of a crib and into a big girl bed.

Another item that occurred was that we bought and moved into a new house! We bought a house in the North End and sold the one in Harris Ranch. We ended up closing on our house on a Monday (April 25th) and moving into the new one later that week (29th). It was an incredible stressful move due to the timeline, and compounded due to us having returned from Hawaii on the 23rd and your mom’s birthday on the 28th. Oh, and I had to travel the 25th-27Th which made things really fun. Was madness, but we got it done. It is a brand new build. The owner was the founder of Balihoo (Pete Gombert) and they bought it with the intention of moving in after the renovation. Circumstances arose and that plan changed, so we jumped on it. Right now North End is an incredibly desirable place to live, and getting a place there is really tough. We totally lucked out, it’s absolutely gorgeous. We plan to be in it for a long time.

Regarding work, we are in the process of an acquisition where we would become part of a larger entity. We don’t know which one yet, but there are a few interested parties and it will likely happen sometime in October. This is exactly what I was hoping would happen, as being the leader of product and then having that product sold is pretty fantastic for a career. It should also mean a decent payout, which always helps.

Another first was your mom and I took our first vacation since you were born. With the new guy on the way we figured it would be our last chance for a while. Originally we were slated to go to New Orleans as I have never been there and your mom has an odd obsession with the South. However, there is currently an outbreak of something called the Zika virus which is transmitted through mosquitos and can lead to birth defects. It has not been found in New Orleans as of yet (mainly an issue in third world countries currently), but NO is a likely target for when it does make it state side due to the swamps and humid nature. Ensuring that we don’t run the risk, we switched our plans to Chicago. I go to Chicago about twice a month for work, but your mom had never been. You stayed with Mia while we were away, and appeared to have a great time. Your Uncle Matt met us there and we did all the touristy stuff I had never had the chance to to previously (included some pictures below).

I finally feel like we are in a place where things are a little more figured out. You are at the point when we go places we don’t have to pack up the entire house, and we can handle things as they come. You sleep better and eat well. And above all else, you are getting more fun by the day. We go to the store and you drive the the car shopping cart or push the baby cart at Trader Joe’s. Hiking in a backpack is one of your favorite things to do, and you are also in a dance class that you attend with mom. We are in a good place, and just felt like we would disrupt it all over again with the second kid. 🙂

Cannot begin to tell you how incredible you are, and how much you are loved. Undoubtedly bias, but you are better behaved and far more compassionate than any child you spend time around. You share, you have manners, you tell us you love us on a regular basis and just can’t believe how well you have turned out so far. Cannot imagine our lives without you. Look forward to you turning three in a few months and updating you on all the changes.

I love you more than you will ever know.

Love, Dad


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You’re two!

I keep thinking how weird it is going to be when you read this and just see your life in 6 month increments. Will seem like it went so fast. Trust me, it didn’t. Kidding (kind of). As always, another full round of firsts!

  • First babysitter (Lindsey, or as you say “Linds”)
  • First time to Tucson (and McKale Center)

This has been another big 6 months for you, and as you can see by the pics you are starting to look like a little human rather than some sort of troll or gnome (although the first picture is questionable). You have been walking for a while, but you are starting to speak intelligible words even if they are just “momma”, “dad”, and “Lalla (Layla)”.

We kicked off this timeframe with a trip to Tucson. A favorite activity of your mother’s which she can tell you about. We had not been down since you were born and it was time to make the trip to see your great-grandparents, Boppie and some of my friends. You met Mike and Onnie, as Mike was my best man in my wedding and we took you to breakfast at a restaurant my buddy Nate owned called Prep & Pastry. You met him and Will that day, and mowed some delicious french toast as well. You also met Jax, my cousin Jordan’s son.

But most importantly, you got to see McKale Center for the first time. One thing you will learn about me is my passion (or obsession as your mom calls it) for UA basketball. I grew up watching it, lived it during college, and while I can’t catch every game like I used to it is still a very big aspect of me. What was awesome is that the day we went, there was a door cracked open unexpectedly. While your mom (the rule follower forever and always) tried to talk me out of going in, you and I were already hustling down the hallway towards the court. We walked it together. Was a very special moment for me, being able to bring my child back to a place that I went to with my dad growing up.

This year for your birthday we decided to not invoke incredible chaos on our house and home, and just did a small bday party with family. You got to eat real cake this year, and while you couldn’t blow out the candle it made for a damn cute picture.

You survived your second Halloween, embellished in your second x-mas and enjoyed your second NYE. You were also cleared fro your allergy to both wheat and eggs (as long as they are cooked), which made it a lot easier to feed you.

They call it the terrible twos. We will see if this rings true in your case.

I love you more than you will ever know.

Love, Dad


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1.5 and going strong

Guess what? Seriously, guess what? You did the most unbelievable thing since you were born during the last six months. It was something neither of us thought would ever happen. An action we had given up on long ago. But your surprised us, and in the most positive way possible.


I know it sounds dramatic, but going 14 months without a single night where we didn’t wake up take a bit of a toll. But you did it, and are doing it. We see the world differently. Everything is sunny and bright. Thank you!

You also did some other stuff worth noting. As a matter of fact, this is likely the most notable post yet. Let’s just list them out first:

  • First time sleeping through the night (covered that)
  • First steps (a big one as well)
  • First time to the beach
  • First time not breastfeeding
  • First time to an island
  • First time in a pool
  • First time hiking

Those are the major notables. Another thing happened that was nearly as exciting, as your skin finally cleared up. You have had terrible eczema the first year of your life but, as you can see from the pictures, your skin is finally clear. We think this might be the reason for your sleeping improvement, and believe that you not breastfeeding also contributed. Although your mom went gluten free, egg free, peanut free and tried a variety of other diets there was nothing that seemed to fix the issue. Regardless of what the reason really was it has taken care of itself now which is a huge relief.

Hawaii (Maui)

You took your first trip to Hawaii! We all went to Maui and stayed in Wailea for 2 weeks with Papa and Damian. We stayed in a condo about 100 feet from the water in the Ekahi Village (unit 20, I believe). Four of the seven firsts listed above happened on that trip.

Just a little note, I had never been to Hawaii in my life and you go the first year of yours. This, IMO, served as your official certification as a spoiled child.

You were incredible on the flight there. Although you didn’t really sleep, you were totally content just staring at people from mom’s lap. This is a favorite pastime of both you and your mother: staring at people uncomfortably. You will see a picture below that is you and mom on the plane as people are boarding…creepers. You read books, ate, and did take a short nap. You were still breastfeeding at the time so that helped. You did pop up from time to time to say hi to other people but mostly kept to yourself.

Maui was beautiful. You took to the pool pretty well, allowing mom and I to swim around with you for hours. The ocean, that was something different. You were not a fan of the waves, the noise, the sand on the beach or really anything about it. We did finally get to the point where we were able to play in the sand a little, but that was the extent of your beach going. In the condo you found the coasters extremely interesting, ransacked the books, enjoyed pineapple (surprisingly) and had a blast for the most part. Your sleeping was atrocious, as you would wake up every night between 11-1 and we would bring you into bed with us. You also woke up no later than 5am any day we were there.

The early mornings sound bad, but they were actually my favorite part of the entire trip. We would wake up around 4:30 every day, head out to the kitchen and grab a snack, and then go for a run along the beach. We did this every single day we were there. Mom came a few times, but it was mainly our activity. There is a boardwalk type path along IMG_0464.2015-04-24_164954the ocean that passes the beautiful beachfront hotels and allows you to go on the sand as well. I would pop you in the stroller turn on some music and we would head out usually for a 4-6 mile run. The sun was not up yet when we would leave, but it would rise during out run. At the end of the run we would stop at a Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf next to the Hilton hotel so I could get a coffee, and then return to the condo. Sometimes no one would be awake and we would read books, other times everyone was up (not Damian) and the Harper show would begin. These were, by far, the best memories I have from the trip.


Another awesome time was your first hike. We hiked the Waihee Ridge Trail, a 5 mile out and back that goes up 1,500 feet. It was easily the most beautiful hike I had ever been on, and rode along in the hiking backpack on me. You also were awesome. On the way up you were all smiles, and on the way down you slept most of the way. You an I were along a lot of the hike as when I hike, I kinda have to go at my own pace with is pretty fast. We were the first to the top and the first back to the car at the bottom. The trail was incredible and the weather could not have been better.

Other things we did were brunch at the Grand Wailea, visited Kihei and Kapalua, spent much time at the pool, had bbq’s many nights, went to some incredible restaurants and did a lot of relaxing. Your mom’s 28th birthday happened while we were there and we got to go to dinner alone for the first time since you were born.

It was a killer trip, one that I will never forget.


Throughout the entire trip you were also on the verge of walking. You would get to the point where you would walk holding our hands, or even just one hand. You would also stand up by yourself and look as if you were going to take off at any moment, only to “realize” you were standing and get scared and fall down. The entire trip we were trying to get you to take your first steps, but you held out and didn’t go with the plan.

We got back from the trip late on a Saturday, recovered on Sunday, and on Monday I had to go to San Francisco to visit Google on business. I got off the plane and called your mom to check in on things. I could tell there was a little something different in her voice, but couldn’t quite pin-point what it was. I was getting out of an Uber at the Google campus and let her know I was heading into a meeting and had to run. She then laid it on me…you had taken your first steps. I was in shock, a mixture of joy/guilt/excitement/sadness. I think your mom felt guilty for some reason she couldn’t understand, but there was no reason for her to encompass that emotion. I had just spent 2 straight weeks with you, every day all day. It was the most time we had ever spent together, and then you walk when I leave. Thinking back on it now it is kind of funny, just one of those things in life.

You were not one of those kids that walked and then couldn’t walk enough. You were very calculated (as you always are) and wouldn’t push your luck. Writing this I still don’t think I have seen you fall once. You do not rush into it, you take your time and plan your steps. You are walking more every day, but in some cases still prefer to crawl. It is an incredible thing to watch, the learning that is happening and how unbelievable your brain is to enable the progress. As your dad it is also just cool to watch your kid grow like this, you are proud of it. I am proud of you.

The Rest

You are a reserved child. As you mature and begin exhibiting more social cues it is apparent that you are skeptical in nature, and prefer the safety of mom or me over branching out to others. A healthy level of skepticism is a good thing, and you are by no means chronically shy. You will get crazy and play with mom and me, and you are very comfortable with Mia as well. Outside of that group it is a crapshoot. I mention this because I think it will be really interesting to see how you turn out, and if this behavior is indicative of your social nature as an adult.

As far as everything else, here are some tidbits: you love swings and sunglasses; you hate grass and cats; you are getting really into painting; french fries are your favorite food; your eyelashes are long and your hair is crazy and blonde; you are making many attempts at words and making more sense each day; you won’t sleep without having books read to you and your highest aspiration is to make Layla your best friend. It is a fun time. Talk to you at 2!

Love you more than you will ever know,


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Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.

You are going to be here anytime now! Due date, Feb. 20, is tomorrow if you can believe it which I cannot. That being said, we are as ready as we possibly could be!

2014-01-28 19.17.00

Mom just left the doctor and she is still not dilated so looks like it will be another few days. She is handling it like a champ though.

Gotta run but wanted to check in. Love you and can’t wait to meet you!



Your Mattress is Here!

Among the things that occurred today, your mattress did in fact arrive! There was a bit of scrutiny over which one to get you, as your mother (of course) wanted the most expensive and organic and everything below the sun in the mattress. I was a bit more reasonable, and we got you one in the 90th percentile, so to speak, as opposed to the ultimate, and most expensive, version. Here it is in case you don’t remember.

Amazon.com  Sealy Baby Firm Rest Crib Mattress  BabyAs a matter of fact if you do remember, I will be a little freaked out.

Anyway, wanted to extend the description of your nursery at the current time. Right now you have a crib, dresser, bookcase, picnic table (yes a picnic table), outfits that will fit you until you are nearly 2 years old, a glider chair and a bunch of creepy dolls that are from your mother’s childhood. In addition we have a bunch of presents from the baby shower that your mom’s friends threw for her.

The shower, which occurred just after Christmas, brought in some great gifts and just as many crappy ones.

Over the coming days we will get a variety of other items that we ordered off of Amazon and I will do my best to update as they come in.

Just for reference, your mother is 35 weeks tomorrow. As things stand that means that you could come at any minute. Any time from 34-37 weeks people have been known to deliver, although Dr. West says that she is right on schedule.

We also did a hospital tour last night so that I know where to take your mom when she goes into labor, so we are covered on that front. This is becoming a bit of a rant, so I am going to sign off.

We cannot wait to meet you!




Been Way Too Long

Right now it is  12:33am on the 15th of January…and wow has time flown by. Let’s tackle this efficiently, and first let me list the developments and afterwards go into the details of each:

2014-01-14 19.21.53

  1. You are a GIRL!!!
  2. You are obscenely healthy (thanks to your mom who has been unbelievable during her pregnancy)
  3. You are still expected February 20th (NEXT MONTH!!!)
  4. The nursery has seen some major progress.
  5. Your mom is 34 weeks along!

Let’s first start with the reason why I have not posted in so long. Work has been unreal. I recently got a promotion, which is awesome, but has lead to doing more than normal. The good part: I love my job.

Now let’s address the major items, like the fact that you are a girl!!! We could not be more excited. Let me throw this out now, no dating until 25. In addition, you will likely be spoiled simply because I spoil your mother and will likely accelerate that with you. Finally, I am hoping you will be a Daddy’s girl simply because, well, I love you more already than I can explain and can’t imagine not being close.

As far as your health, our doctor, Dr. West, is consistently shocked with how well you are progressing. There have been no issues with you in the least, and your mom is healthier than anyone I know. She is constantly thinking of you and what is best for you. I am doing the same but my decision son’t necessarily affect your entrance into the world. We hear your heartbeat every time we go to the doctor and each time it is strong and on par with the expected BPM. Your mom has has to get a variety of shots, provided a number of blood samples, had to drink some glucose crap and endure a variety of other uncomfortable things (outside of gaining 25 pounds which she carries all day every day of course) and has not complained in the least. She is a rockstar, and should be commended.

You are right on schedule. The doctor does this measurement thing where he basically measures from the bottom of the uterus to her belly button (I may have totally butchered that) and is has you right on schedule. He also projects that you will be around 7 pounds.

2014-01-15 00.51.22Dude, the nursery is looking sick! We spent a grand over the weekend buying adornments for the space but it is truly coming together. I also spent all last weekend painting the shelves, and the prior weekend painting the bookcase. Your mom spent about 2 days just cleaning the dresser (a bit over the top IMO, but you will learn about this). The majority of the items that are remaining will be arriving in the coming days, which is extremely exciting. As you can see it is still looking a bit plain, but I will add  new pic very soon.

34 weeks!!!

At this point in the pregnancy you could come at any time and be perfectly healthy. The doctor projects that most first time mothers are around 5 days late, but really could happen anytime.

I promise to continue updating as frequently as possible, but the bottom line is that you will be here soon and we could not be more excited!

I love you very much and cannot wait to meet you




It’s been busy!

Things got BUSY!

Work is kicking my ass, but at the same time we are doing a lot on the house in order to get ready for your arrival. Here is a quick synopsis on major happenings occurred and in the near future:

  • We find out your gender a week from today!
  • We are having a reveal party in Sun Valley for all of mom’s friends next Friday
  • We have a wedding next Saturday, my cousin Elizabeth is getting married
  • We finally got blinds in the house, it changed the whole place
  • I painted your room this past weekend, just primer, to get ready for when we find out
  • We are buying some furniture to help fill the house
  • We had another meeting with the doc earlier this month, you are healthy as can be
    • Also had testing done for any mental or physical defects, and you are good to go
  • UA Football is 3-0, Dallas Cowboys are 2-1, Atlanta Braves won the NL East and are getting ready for the playoffs!

OK, so now that you are caught up, let’s move forward. The big piece of that is that we get to find out what you are next week! We have been taking guesses, and the high majority think you are a boy, including me. We picked out paints for either, one is blue the other pink, and have not really discussed names.

Mom is starting to show, and sears she has felt you kick a few times! Here is a pic of how she looks now, very cute if you ask me:

2013-09-18 19.02.03

I promise to update more in the future. Cannot wait to meet you!

Love, Dad



My Friends Are Trying to Steal the Vote!

It’s been a couple weeks since I have had the chance to update things, but to be honest not much is going on. We did have another appointment yesterday, which went extremely well.

The doctor took the heartbeat, no ultrasound this time, and your beat was at 160 BPM. This caused Dr. West to pull out the old wive’s tale that the fast heartbeat says that you will be a girl. We have exercised pretty much every old wive’s tale, and every other one says you are a boy. It is a crapshoot!

One thing exciting that has happened is that you started receiving (or we started receiving) gifts! My buddies Mike and Aaron each sent something, and, well, they are hoping that they may sway your college decision before you are even born. Here are the pics:

2013-08-24 09.34.12 2013-09-04 21.14.28-2The top image is from Mike, and pretty damn cool. The bottom image is from Aaron, and is awesome as well.

This will be a fun game between your mom and I, and currently I am in the lead! Just for the record, I don’t care where you go to college as long as you are happy. You can go to UofA or USC or any other college in the world and we will be proud of you (as long as it’s not ASU, and your mom would say the same about UCLA but that is a great school so it’s ok).  But you are going to have some awesome college gear, both UofA and USC, by the time you get here and probably afterward as well.

Switching gears, your mom and I are going to go look at some paint colors this weekend for your room. We still don’t know your gender so we are going to go choose colors for both a guy and girl in order to be prepared. Boppie is going to be here the day that we find out your gender, and that weekend him and I will be painting your room! After that happens, let the madness begin. Decoration in all ways will commence.

Cannot wait to know what you are, but even more so cannot wait to meet you. It’s getting closer every day!

Love, Dad

Grandparents’ Jobs

I remember growing up, thinking to myself that there was just no way that my grandparents could have possibly worked. By the time I came they were either retired or very close and I would hear in spotted conversations about their work history. Figure here I can give you a very real observation on each one of your grandparents as they are all currently still working. I am going to use the names that I assume you will refer to them by, but who knows if that will stick or not. Let’s start with mom’s side…

Papa – Lawyer

Papa is a Lawyer that specializes in business and real estate law. He graduated from USC undergrad, and then went to law school at Southwestern University. He has been practicing law for over 30 years at this point, and works from home. He has about 3 huge clients that he handles and also is an avid investor in real estate and some stock market.

Mia – Teacher/Real Estate/Food & Beverage/Stay-at-home-mom

Mia has done a variety of different things in her career. She graduated from USC with a degree in Political Science. She was a teacher in Palm Desert when mom was little, and once they moves to Sun Valley she took on a more motherly role. Once mom got into high school, Mia started doing real estate. She has also been with Michel for about 10 years at this point who owns a high end french restaurant in Ketchum. She helps him run the restaurant and serves as a hostess as well.

Now let’s look at my side…

Boppie – Railroad Engineer

Let me start by saying that I broke the Donegan tradition. 5 generations of Donegans had worked for the railroad, I broke the trend (always feel a bit guilty about that). Anyway, Bop is a railroad engineer meaning that he drives trains. He started working for the railroad when he was 19 years old, and will actually be retiring in March (you are due in February) and will have been there for 41 years.

Nonnie – Finance

Nonnie has been an accountant since graduating college. She graduated summa cum laude from University of Arizona with a degree in finance. She went to work for Ernst & Young straight out of college, didn’t care for the corporate world, so focused most of her career in the non-profit sector. She has been an accountant, bookkeeper, controller and even a CFO. She has a masters in education and a masters in business, and currently works for Smith Optics as an accountant (could have a higher position, but doesn’t like managing people).

That is the current status of everyone. As you can see, they kind of run the gamete in terms of diverse professions. This should be a good thing because you will have plenty of experts in various fields. Hope this will serve as a reference point for you in the future and you can avoid the confusion that I experienced.

Love, Dad