Your First Ultrasound and Confirmation of Existence

Today we learned that you are in fact a real thing and not a figment of our imagination. We saw you today, and you were pretty incredible.

Well, by incredible I mean you kind of looked like a kidney bean. But while we were watching, you wiggled as if you knew we were looking. You were shaking your hands and feet and even flipped your entire body around. The ultrasound tech said she had never seen any baby do that, so you are obviously special. Right now you are 8 weeks and 4 days along.

Just to catch you up we found out about you on June 16, 2013 which was, oddly enough, Father’s Day. We of course were not absolutely sure until today, but had a good idea. In case you ever ask, you were intentional and we actually timed it pretty well. We recently bought our first house here in Boise and moved in on May 17th 2013. Before that we got Layla on December 20, 2012. You were the next step in creating our family and we are excited to meet you.

At the doctor today they talked about how healthy you and your mom are. just for reference, your mom is insanely healthy. She works out all the time, doesn’t drink (not just because you are in there), and is absolutely gorgeous. The doctor today, Dr. Tim West (UA alum btw), said that at this point there is less than a 1% chance of a miscarriage because you are so healthy. Your vitals were all solid, your spine was beginning to be seen and your hands and feet are developing. You are just over 2 centimeters long right now.

You are also probably wondering about when you are due, because my guess is that it will differ a bit from when you will actually arrive. Your due date is February 20, 2014 and we are counting the days.

Because I think it is fun and don’t plan on your reading this until you are a bit older, thought it would be fun to share what your mother and I think you are going to be. I will just throw it out there, I am positive that you are boy. I have always thought I would have a boy first and after seeing you today I am sure. That being said, if I am wrong, please know that whether you come out a boy or girl I will be stoked. It is not that I want a boy more than a girl, just that I feel like it is a boy coming. Your mom thinks it will be a girl, perhaps because I think it is a boy and she tends to be a bit argumentative :), but does not have the conviction that I do about the topic. At 20 weeks is when we will find out what you are.

So where do we go from here? We will be having appointments with Dr. West every 4 weeks up to 30 weeks. After that they go to ever 2 weeks and then down to once a week in the home stretch. You are still so young that we have not told anyone about you, although it would be safe to do so, it is customary that you wait until the end of the first trimester.

Figured you might want to see your first ultrasound, notice the full rotation that takes place in the 5 minute span:

2013-07-15 18.23

So there it is, the first post. I plan on updating this as much as possibly throughout this process and after you arrive.

I know it is weird to say this, but I love you and cannot wait to meet you.

Love, Dad

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