Another Person “in the know”

It is funny writing about these people that we are telling about you. Not because there is a random reason for letting them know or any other reason than by the time you read this they may no longer be around. Hopefully they are, and my assumptions tells me that they will be, but you never truly know.

Regardless, we told Gina about you the other night. Gina is mom’s best friend, and one of mine as well. She is absolutely awesome and we are lucky to know her.

The reason we spilled the beans is because mom sees her on the regular, and at this point it is impossible to hide. She is around us too much to try and lie and, honestly, we wanted to tell her anyway.

How did we do it? Well, in true Gina fashion, we incorporated a dumb commercial that is currently running right now. Doubtful that this link will work when you try it, but you never know:

I found this commercial to be fall on your ass funny. I know it is stupid, but wow IĀ could not stop laughing. Gina shared my love for the commercial and it prompted me to buy this:

2013-07-17 19.15.03

















I know, stupid right? Well, right now it is awesome!

Anyway, I brought this out when Gina was visiting and her eyes lit up with excitement over it. Just for reference, here is your mom’s reaction to it:

2013-07-17 19.16.31











So after showing her the shirt, I said “and there is something else a little less exciting but also worth showing to you” at which point I pulled out your ultrasound picture. I laid it on the table, she looked at it briefly, looked up at us astonished, and broke into tears. She was so excited she couldn’t stand it. She then proceeded to ask one million questions (which if you haven’t noticed yet is a trait your mom shares) and hugged us vigorously.

We can’t wait to tell more people, August 17th I believe is the day that we can make it public, and are trying to hold it in until that date. We can’t wait to tell everyone, but even more so cannot wait to meet you. Love you already.

Love, Dad

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