Trip to Seattle

This past weekend we took our first trip since finding out about you. My friend from childhood got married in Seattle, so Mom and I took a short road trip (7.5 hours) over there to take part. I was a groomsman in the wedding and in our downtime your Mom and I explored the city.

I had been to Seattle a few weeks prior to speak at a conference there for work, but your mom hadn’t been in a couple years. July in Seattle is, well, not normal for Seattle. It was sunny and beautiful nearly the whole time we were there and it made for an incredible weekend. The wedding was incredible as well, which only made things better.

I wanted to tell every friend I have about you. It was on my mind the entire time, and your mom is starting to show some signs. Nothing physically as of yet but she is tired a good percentage of the time. Luckily for her she has never been a drinker. We didn’t realize how big of a deal that would be at events such as weddings and friend activities where alcohol is present. No one suspected anything because she is a healthy person and rarely even drank a glass of wine.

2013-07-21 20.45.01

I gave a speech during the wedding. Public speaking has never been something that has scared me, in fact it is something that I really enjoy (we are both curious to see your feelings about the practice as your mom does not care for it). However, for the first time in a long time, I actually got a little nervous. Not because of the venue, the 100’s of people or that it would be entertaining; only because your mom was there and outside of our own wedding I have never given a speech in front of her. She of course managed to find some flaws with my performance, but overall was extremely encouraging.

In addition to all of my friends (Aaron, Mike, Jon, Chris, Nate, Dwane, Greg, Matty, Adam, Joe, Will, Jon, Joey, Cohen, Jay), Mom also got to see a friend of hers named Laura. Laura has been extremely skeptical of Mom, and had outwardly expressed that she thought she was pregnant. None of us could understand why this was, and we of course vehemently denied that this was true, but she was unwilling to accept our response. After much deliberation, we decided that it was best to tell her about you while we were in Seattle.


Mom and I at the wedding – Thornbury Castle

These types of trips are going to become more rare as Mom’s pregnancy with you progresses. After you are born we will obviously be limited to even a greater degree with taking care of you. We are definitely trying to enjoy these last few months as much as possible, but both of use would trade any trips at this point just to have you here. We cannot wait to meet you and it consumes every conversation we have.

Love, Dad

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