We Told Nonnie About You!

Your 9 week mark came and passed this week. It was Thursday, and we celebrated by sharing the news with your soon to be grandma (you might know her as Nonnie. Up until now she did not know about you, and she could not have been more surprised or excited!

She had not been to our new house yet and made the trip to Boise to both see it and watch Layla for the weekend as we were going out of town. In fact I am writing this as I sit in a mall in Bellevue, WA while you mom shops.

Anyway, we took her for a tour of the house showing her everything there was to see. It ended with us showing her to the guest room. We mentioned that there was one last thing to see, and then mentioned to the bed where the photo of your first ultrasound was laying. She was ecstatic! You can’t believe how much you are loved even though no one will meet you for another 7 months almost.

Her and I went on a walk later that night, and she threw out some names for boys and girls (since at this point we don’t know what you are). Most were terrible, I mean absolutely horrendous, but a couple were good (we liked Hawkins if you are a boy so if that ends up being your name you can thank Nonnie).

We are so excited to tell everyone and the day when we can is quickly approaching. The excitement about you is building with every passing moment.

I cannot wait to meet you, and love you already.

Love, Dad

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