4 Year Anniversary

Today is 4 years that your mom and I have been married. Not just saying this, but they have really flown by.  My next task is to write about our story and how we came to be, but today is not that day as we have plans and I don’t have time.

Just to give you a bit of insight though, July 26th, 2009 was our wedding day. We got married in SV at Trail Creek and it was an amazing day. Here is a pic:



As you can see, I had a lot more hair than I probably do now.

Anyway, tonight I am taking your mom to the Shakespeare Festival here in Boise. We haven’t been yet and the venue is pretty close to the house, so we are going to ride our cruisers down there with a picnic basket and watch the play from the grass. We also got each other a present yesterday: new rocking chairs for the front porch. Now don’t think I am totally lame for wanting a rocking chair as my gift, I would much rather have had some type of new electronic device, but mom really wanted them and sometimes it is good to compromise. They are pretty sweet chairs, and we will be using them to take a picture in the near future to announce YOU to the world!

The festivities this evening will have to be brief, as Uncle Matt is flying in from North Carolina after finishing his first year at UNC. That reminds me that I need to give a brief synopsis on everyone that you will know in their current state, because by the time you read this he will likely be much older and established. Want to ensure that you know what a little shithead he really was.

4 years may not seem like a long time, especially since your mom and I have been together for over 10 as of now, but it really is quite an accomplishment. We really waited to make sure that we were right for one another and have established over and over that we are. I love your mom more than anything in life, and cannot imagine going on without her. She is an intelligent, strong, loyal, stable, funny, and beautiful person. She is everything I could have ever asked for, and if you ever ask Nonnie or Boppie about her and I getting together they will say that she is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

This is the first picture I could find of your mom and I together, I will continue to look but as you can see we are pretty young:

IMG_0544Every great relationship has to have a great story, so in the near future I will write about ours.

This is the most exciting anniversary we have ever had, and it is because we know you are coming. We love you already and cannot wait to meet you.

Love, Dad


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