3.5 years

Another 6 months gone by and another list of first. A few general updates:

  • You are an incredibly caring big sister. You love little Ethan boy so much and are constantly trying to help us with him, play with him, love on him and tell everyone about him.
  • Perhaps TMI – but I got snipped recently. We will not be having any more children, you guys are it and we couldn’t be happier. Mom is still a bit on the fence (but only because she can’t actually make decisions), but you guys are it. Don’t disappoint.
  • Couple of firsts:
    • Ice skating – you have been asking to go for months and we finally got the chance in SV. It was actually a first for both of us but we did just fine – and you LOVED it.
    • You also took soccer lessons at Camelsback Park near our house. While reticent at first, once you realized all it was about was kicking balls you got into it.
    • You flew your first kite. Daddy accidentally dropped it at one point and had to chase it across the park (you were beside yourself when this occurred), but few things bring you as much joy as watching a kite fly.
    • Stomach bug – you got sick. You never get sick. Not only did you get sick, but you got sick alllllll over me multiple times. You had rice for dinner, and I slept with you all night get puked on. Part of the issue was that I kept giving you water, not knowing that I was supposed to limit it (oops). I then left for LA for work after you were better and got sick myself, leaving me in a hotel room in Santa Monica puking. It was a lot of fun. Then you got another bug a few months later, and again chose me as your target for vomit. Honestly though, it was one of the saddest things ever seeing you sick. Hope it never happens again.
    • Ummmm, you started preschool! Yes, you are in the 3/4 class at Wesleyan. The school is in North End and your teachers are teacher Gina and teacher Beth. We were worried about you from a social perspective, but you have been doing incredibly well. You are still shy, but once you get into playing you forget we are even gone. Obviously your mom is struggling with not having you around but she is acclimating quickly.

We had your birthday in Palm Desert with Tita again and got you an epic Dory cake. Among other things, swimming is one of your faves. You spend 1/2 the time in the jacuzzi swimming and couldn’t get enough. You are also awesome on planes now – all that travel has paid off.

Speaking of travel, you also went to Maui for the third time in your life. You also went first class. You’re not spoiled at all…

While you definitely have a tantrum now and then, and don’t always listen, you are for the most part an easy child. You are also so sweet it is hard to handle sometimes. You are making a lot of friends in preschool and really enjoy it.

Mom is doing well, especially as Ethan is getting older (he doesn’t sleep, just like you). You guys do activities all the time. You are about to start preschool in a couple weeks though, will have to see how mom handles that. 🙂

I am working quite a bit but otherwise good. Work is a bit tumultuous as our parent entity (Engine Group) decided what they want to do with our business. I have been getting recruited a bit so trying to figure out what to do next.

All is well, and cannot wait for another six months to pass and see how things are going.

I love you more than you will ever know,

Love, Dad

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