7 years old

I feel it and say it in a lot of these posts – but the fact that you’re seven is not easy to accept. You are walking, talking, eating, spelling, reading, doing math, socializing, having your own opinions, learning, trying new things, pushing back, questioning, get sad, get angry, get happy, get ambitious – and so many other things. You are really a human coming into your own, and as your dad who has seen it the whole way it is never lost on me just how amazing it is, and you are.

As you can see from some of these pics, you are coming into your own. You have a little attitude about you at times now, although it is only with us and it is still incredibly well mannered. You are taking more risks. We see this in the activities and sports that you do, as well as the social situations that you enter into that you would not have previously. You are still an amazing big sister – one that Ethan can always count on and you spend so much time helping him learn who he is and how to be.

You will notice that in these pictures that you are, for the most part, around anyone other than us. That is because Covid-19 is still a thing, and the world is pretty much shut down in 2021. There is a vaccine for adults now, and you mom and I will get it as soon as we can. But as far as kids go there is nothing yet. Until that happens, there isn’t a whole lot we can do. I really find it interesting to think about how history books years from now will reflect back on this event as it is unpronounced in our world’s history.

As a result, that will make this post a bit boring. You are still in school, and you are doing fantastic – testing above your grade level in every category. You have to wear a mask every day, and keep distance between you and your friends. To this point (fingers crossed) we have not got covid. It is a weird time, but I am grateful that you are at St. Joe’s and not in public school as you are able to stay in during a very integral time in your learning and development.

In the latter half of your first grade year you are really into reading. You don’t care for math as much, but are still quite good at it. You want to be an artist when you grow up, and are producing more pictures/paintings at home and school than we can find a place for.

While this will be a short post, please don’t see it as a boring or non-consequential one. You are thriving – that’s the bottom line. You are kind, empathetic, sweet, happy and caring. I know it sounds lame to say this…but you are perfect. Sometimes that leads to not saying a lot.

I cannot wait for your next b-day and to update you on the way the world has shifted, as right now it seems to happen daily.

I love you more than you will ever know.

Love, Dad