


You’re two!

I keep thinking how weird it is going to be when you read this and just see your life in 6 month increments. Will seem like it went so fast. Trust me, it didn’t. Kidding (kind of). As always, another full round of firsts!

  • First babysitter (Lindsey, or as you say “Linds”)
  • First time to Tucson (and McKale Center)

This has been another big 6 months for you, and as you can see by the pics you are starting to look like a little human rather than some sort of troll or gnome (although the first picture is questionable). You have been walking for a while, but you are starting to speak intelligible words even if they are just “momma”, “dad”, and “Lalla (Layla)”.

We kicked off this timeframe with a trip to Tucson. A favorite activity of your mother’s which she can tell you about. We had not been down since you were born and it was time to make the trip to see your great-grandparents, Boppie and some of my friends. You met Mike and Onnie, as Mike was my best man in my wedding and we took you to breakfast at a restaurant my buddy Nate owned called Prep & Pastry. You met him and Will that day, and mowed some delicious french toast as well. You also met Jax, my cousin Jordan’s son.

But most importantly, you got to see McKale Center for the first time. One thing you will learn about me is my passion (or obsession as your mom calls it) for UA basketball. I grew up watching it, lived it during college, and while I can’t catch every game like I used to it is still a very big aspect of me. What was awesome is that the day we went, there was a door cracked open unexpectedly. While your mom (the rule follower forever and always) tried to talk me out of going in, you and I were already hustling down the hallway towards the court. We walked it together. Was a very special moment for me, being able to bring my child back to a place that I went to with my dad growing up.

This year for your birthday we decided to not invoke incredible chaos on our house and home, and just did a small bday party with family. You got to eat real cake this year, and while you couldn’t blow out the candle it made for a damn cute picture.

You survived your second Halloween, embellished in your second x-mas and enjoyed your second NYE. You were also cleared fro your allergy to both wheat and eggs (as long as they are cooked), which made it a lot easier to feed you.

They call it the terrible twos. We will see if this rings true in your case.

I love you more than you will ever know.

Love, Dad


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