It’s been busy!

Things got BUSY!

Work is kicking my ass, but at the same time we are doing a lot on the house in order to get ready for your arrival. Here is a quick synopsis on major happenings occurred and in the near future:

  • We find out your gender a week from today!
  • We are having a reveal party in Sun Valley for all of mom’s friends next Friday
  • We have a wedding next Saturday, my cousin Elizabeth is getting married
  • We finally got blinds in the house, it changed the whole place
  • I painted your room this past weekend, just primer, to get ready for when we find out
  • We are buying some furniture to help fill the house
  • We had another meeting with the doc earlier this month, you are healthy as can be
    • Also had testing done for any mental or physical defects, and you are good to go
  • UA Football is 3-0, Dallas Cowboys are 2-1, Atlanta Braves won the NL East and are getting ready for the playoffs!

OK, so now that you are caught up, let’s move forward. The big piece of that is that we get to find out what you are next week! We have been taking guesses, and the high majority think you are a boy, including me. We picked out paints for either, one is blue the other pink, and have not really discussed names.

Mom is starting to show, and sears she has felt you kick a few times! Here is a pic of how she looks now, very cute if you ask me:

2013-09-18 19.02.03

I promise to update more in the future. Cannot wait to meet you!

Love, Dad



My Friends Are Trying to Steal the Vote!

It’s been a couple weeks since I have had the chance to update things, but to be honest not much is going on. We did have another appointment yesterday, which went extremely well.

The doctor took the heartbeat, no ultrasound this time, and your beat was at 160 BPM. This caused Dr. West to pull out the old wive’s tale that the fast heartbeat says that you will be a girl. We have exercised pretty much every old wive’s tale, and every other one says you are a boy. It is a crapshoot!

One thing exciting that has happened is that you started receiving (or we started receiving) gifts! My buddies Mike and Aaron each sent something, and, well, they are hoping that they may sway your college decision before you are even born. Here are the pics:

2013-08-24 09.34.12 2013-09-04 21.14.28-2The top image is from Mike, and pretty damn cool. The bottom image is from Aaron, and is awesome as well.

This will be a fun game between your mom and I, and currently I am in the lead! Just for the record, I don’t care where you go to college as long as you are happy. You can go to UofA or USC or any other college in the world and we will be proud of you (as long as it’s not ASU, and your mom would say the same about UCLA but that is a great school so it’s ok).  But you are going to have some awesome college gear, both UofA and USC, by the time you get here and probably afterward as well.

Switching gears, your mom and I are going to go look at some paint colors this weekend for your room. We still don’t know your gender so we are going to go choose colors for both a guy and girl in order to be prepared. Boppie is going to be here the day that we find out your gender, and that weekend him and I will be painting your room! After that happens, let the madness begin. Decoration in all ways will commence.

Cannot wait to know what you are, but even more so cannot wait to meet you. It’s getting closer every day!

Love, Dad